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* WICONIFY A utility that allows you to iconify any Intuition window
* on any screen, and to open WB windows on any screen.
* wIcon.h Main user-level structures for programmer's interface.
* Copyright 1990 by Davide P. Cervone, all rights reserved.
* You may use this code, provided this copyright notice is kept intact.
#include <exec/ports.h>
* The name of the communication port used by wIcoinfy
#define WICONPORT "wIconify-Port"
* Makes dealing with flag bits easier
#ifndef BIT
#define BIT(x) (1<<(x))
* define pointers for structures that may not be defined
#ifndef WICONREF
#ifndef WSCREEN
* The main wIcon definition structure. This is what programs use
* to declare the imagery and properties of an icon. wIconify uses
* the wIconRef structure internally, and copies data from the wIcon
* definition into the wIconRef structure when an icon is created.
* From them on, the user has a pointer to a wIconRef, not a wIcon.
struct wIcon
char *Name; /* the icon's Name */
struct Image *Image; /* the icon's unselected Image (NULL = default) */
struct Image *Select; /* the icon's Selected image (NULL = complement) */
UWORD *Mask; /* the icon's selected image Mask (NULL = none) */
WORD x,y; /* the icon's initial position */
ULONG Flags;
#define WI_NOICONIFY BIT(0) /* do not iconify this window */
#define WI_CHANGEREFRESH BIT(1) /* change refresh type for icon */
#define WI_ICONIFIED BIT(2) /* window is iconified */
#define WI_NOSAVEPOS BIT(3) /* don't save icon X,Y when open */
#define WI_AUTOREMOVE BIT(9) /* delete on screen close */
#define WI_LOCKED BIT(20) /* never move move icon */
#define WI_NOORGANIZE BIT(21) /* do not ORGANIZE icon */
#define WI_NOMOVE BIT(22) /* do not allow icon to be moved */
#define WI_NOCLOSE BIT(23) /* do not allow icon to be closed */
#define WI_NOMULTISELECT BIT(24) /* can't select more than one */
#define WI_SELECTED BIT(25) /* icon is currently selected */
/* (for future expansion)
#define WI_LTOP BIT(26)
#define WI_LBOTTOM BIT(27)
#define WI_RTOP BIT(28)
#define WI_RBOTTOM BIT(29)
#define WI_VERTICAL BIT(30)
ULONG Report; /* types of messages to report */
#define WI_REPORTMOVED BIT(20) /* icon has been moved */
#define WI_REPORTSELECT BIT(21) /* icon has become selected */
#define WI_REPORTUNSELECT BIT(22) /* icon has become unselected */
#define WI_REPORTPRESS BIT(23) /* icon has been pressed */
#define WI_REPORTRELEASE BIT(24) /* icon has been released */
#define WI_REPORTOPEN BIT(25) /* icon is being opened */
#define WI_REPORTCLOSE BIT(26) /* icon is being closed */
/* #define WI_REPORTDROP BIT(27)*//* another icon dropped on icon */
#define WI_REPORTNEWSCREEN BIT(28) /* a new screen was openned */
#define WI_REPORTSCREENCLOSE BIT(29) /* a screen was closed */
#define WI_REPORTACTIVATE BIT(30) /* wIconify window is active */
#define WI_REPORTINACTIVE BIT(31) /* wIconify window is inactive */
#define WI_REPORTRESTORE BIT(11) /* window is no longer iconified */
#define WI_REPORTICONVERIFY BIT(10) /* don't iconify until OKed */
#define WI_REPORTICONEND BIT(9) /* wIconify is ending */
#define WI_REPORTICONIFIED BIT(8) /* window has become iconified */
struct MsgPort *IconPort; /* port for wIconify messages */
typedef struct wIcon WICON;
* If the IconPort field of the wIcon structure is not NULL, it points to
* a message port where wIconify will send messages when things happen
* to the specified icon. The Report field of the wIcon structure
* specifies what kind of messages are to be reported. When an Icon event is
* reported, the port will receive a wIconMessage as defined below. The
* Action field will contain one of the report flags as defined above, which
* indicates what event occured. When your program is done with the message
* it should reply to the message as normal. If the Action is
* WI_REPORTICONVERIFY, however, you should set or clear the WI_ICONIFYOK
* flag in the Flags field of the wIconMessage depending on whether it is
* OK to iconify the window or not.
* The wIconMessage is also used by the wIconCalls library to contact
* wIconify directly (to add and remove icons, move icons, etc).
* The Actions defined below are for this purpose, and are not used by
* the messages received by an IconPort. User programs will not
* usually specify these messages directly, but will use the wIconCalls
* library to manager these messages. The union at the bottom of
* the structure is also for this purpose, and will not contain useful
* data when a wIconMessage is received by an IconPort.
* Note that many icons can share the same IconPort.
struct wIconMessage
struct Message Message; /* the Exec message structure */
struct Window *Window; /* affected window */
WICONREF *Icon; /* the affected icon */
ULONG Action; /* what to do */
/* any of the WI_REPORT... flags above may also appear here */
#define WI_ICONIFY 1 /* window should be iconified */
#define WI_RESTORE 2 /* window should be restored */
#define WI_ICONOF 3 /* returns icon of given window */
#define WI_SETICON 4 /* associates an icon with a window */
#define WI_UNSETICON 5 /* unsets an icon from a window */
#define WI_SELECTICON 6 /* select a given icon */
#define WI_UNSELECT 7 /* unselect a given icon */
#define WI_MOVEICON 8 /* move an icon to a new position */
#define WI_ADDICON 9 /* add a new icon to a screen */
#define WI_REMOVEICON 10 /* remove an icon from a screen */
#define WI_REDRAW 11 /* screen needs refreshing */
#define WI_UPDATEICON 12 /* update icon imagery, etc. */
#define WI_BACKDROPOF 13 /* wIconify window of a given screen */
#define WI_REMSCREEN 32 /* screen should be unlinked */
#define WI_CLOSEICON 33 /* icon should get a CLOSE message */
#define WI_SELECTNEXT 34 /* select next icon in the list */
#define WI_NEWSCREEN 35 /* create a new screen */
#define WI_MAKEWB 36 /* make a screen the WB screen */
#define WI_OPENSELECT 37 /* open all selected icons */
#define WI_CLOSESELECT 38 /* close all selected icons */
#define WI_OPENON 39 /* set OPEN WINDOW menus */
#define WI_MAKECONTACT 64 /* initial library contact message */
#define WI_VERSIONOK 65 /* versions are OK */
#define WI_VERSIONBAD 66 /* versions don't match */
#define WI_ENDICONIFY 67 /* ask iconify to end */
#define WI_ENDOK 68 /* end was OK */
#define WI_ENDFAILED 69 /* end is pending screen closes */
ULONG Flags;
#define WI_NOREPLY BIT(31) /* wIconify should free this message */
#define WI_ICONMESSAGE BIT(29) /* wIconify originated this message */
#define WI_REPORT BIT(28) /* This is a REPORT message */
#define WI_CHANGE BIT(0) /* window refresh bits should be changed */
struct Window *Window;
struct Screen *Screen;
WSCREEN *wScreen;
struct {WORD x,y;} Position;
struct {UWORD Depth,Modes;} NewScreen;
struct {UWORD Maj,Min;} Version;
struct {UWORD ScreenType,SizeToFit;} OpenOn;
WICON *Icon;
APTR DataPtr;
} Data; /* special data used by icon commands */